Fundamentals of Creating Leadership Development Programs

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Gain the foundational knowledge required to nurture and develop leaders.

This program is for individuals who want to develop successful coaching skills and competencies for use with individuals, teams, or an entire organization.
Practitioners new to coaching or those who want to enhance and validate their current coaching skill set will benefit most from attending this program.
Whether you are an internal coach (or talent development professional), an external coach, or a manager wishing to work with your team more effectively,
this program is for you.

In this program, you will be able to:

Explain the ATD leadership development model to create a leadership development program.

Discuss the importance of aligning a leadership development program to an organization’s culture, vision, mission, and goals, as well as competencies, customers’ requirements, and business needs.

List content and competencies that must be included in a leadership development program.

Recognize best practices in leadership needs assessments, implementation, and when identifying high-potential candidates for leadership programs.

Identify appropriate learning methods.

Describe how questionnaires, assessment methods, and self-evaluation tools can be presented in a leadership development program.

Discuss how to measure and link the value of a leadership development program to an organization’s bottom line.
